My name is Colleen, and thanks for visiting the site!
I have been coding for over a decade now, from Visual Basic in highschool, to Java in college, and then moving onto Python. One of my main passions is ensure quality code while encouraging best software engineering practices. This involves a well set up DevOps pipeline, team standards, and good code review practices. I have helped to establish best practices in the past, as well as have become a Certified Scrum Master so that I can help guide and shape the software engineering process for developers and stakeholders alike, which in turn makes a better product for the stakeholders and a better developement process for the developers.
When I'm not coding, I am reading, traveling, and knitting or crocheting - sometimes a mix of them all at once. I love murder mysteries and romances when I'm reading, anywhere new when I'm traveling, and beautiful yarn when I'm knitting/crocheting.